Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Activity of School

Although many other don't, I try to think of school as an extra-curricular activity that everyone is involved in. Like any other activity or sport, it tries to set you up for success later in life. If you do well in a sport you may be able to get paid to play, and if you do well in school you will be able to geta good degree and help people that way. Although each person does equally great work, I think that society praises one over another. Because I am just a junior in high school, I can only base this off of my own experiences instead of talking about adulthood or college years.

In high school, the people that are praised most often are people who are involved with other activites. They are praised by their teachers, administrators, and most of all, other students. Also, it's really easy to praise these people because their success is public. However, when students do really well in school, they often don't get the praise they deserve. They have worked just as hard as someone in show choir or basketball has, but the difference is it's harder to tell people that you did well in school. You see, since everybody participates in school, people who don't do as well feel bad when another does better than them. So if somebody wants to tell people about how well they did on a test, for example, they'll have to be ready for some angry people.

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