Saturday, January 10, 2009

Why is show choir so great?

All we do is dance and sing and act at the same time. How does that prepare us for the real world, because the real world has hardly to do with show choir (unless you perform in a circus or in Las Vegas)? I cannot answer the question, and that is why I am writing about it. I cannot say why I love show choir so much, or why I find it so interesting to compete in. I have been in show choir for six years, but yet there is something that I still don't understand about it. Why do we do it? How do I feel so great while performing a show? Why is it so connected to me and why do so many kids participate? It's fun, yes, but the reason is much deeper than that. Someday, I hope to find the answer.

After all of the difficult and often frustrating rehearsals, there is something that makes you feel accomplished. Walking off the stage in a wide smile with sweat dropping down your costume is the concrete part that makes you feel accomplished, but there is an abstract part that is deep in the soul of the performer that cannot be explained.

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